Podcast with Ben Gascoigne
Vice President and General Manager
Ben Gascoigne stops by The Bike Lane to talk about the PSS engineering and design philosophy employed to make modern traffic control devices that promote roadway work zone safety, temporary traffic control, pedestrian safety, and driver safety. Ben also touches on ADA compliance to facilitate accessibility and detectability in pedestrian work zones, and PSS efforts to educate municipalities and others on best practices for ADA compliance.
Links mentioned in this Episode of The Bike Lane:
- PSS on the web: pss-innovations.com
- PSS email contact: smartcities@pss-Innovations.com
- Promotional video of Raptor and RoadQuake in action youtu.be/cIlcS-wr1_k/
- Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov
- (Proposed) Public Rights-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines www.access-board.gov/prowag
- Work Zone Data Exchange (WZDx) www.transportation.gov/av/data/wzdx/
- In Depth by First Round Review review.firstround.com/podcast/
- How I Build This with Guy Raz www.npr.org/series/490248027/how-i-built-this/
- Build: An Unorthodox Guide to Making Things Worth Making www.amazon.com/Build-Unorthodox-Guide-Making-Things/dp/0063046067/
- AASHTO Daily Transportation Update (DTU) dailyupdate.transportation.org/Pages/DailyUpdate.aspx
- ITS America itsa.org
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